If you have a child that you are considering referring for a wish, please do not wait. Just knowing that a wish is coming is very powerful.
Who is eligible?
Who is eligible?
* Children must meet these criteria at the time of referral:
• Diagnosed with a critical illness, i.e., a progressive, degenerative or malignant condition that is placing the child’s life in jeopardy
• Older than 2½ years and younger than 18
• Has not received a wish from another wish-granting organization
Who can refer a child?
Who can refer a child?
Every day, we rely on SkyWishes referrals from caring individuals to help us reach more kids with critical illnesses and grant their life-changing wishes. Learn more about the requirements for referring a child.
Please note: if you are not an approved referral source (see below), the form you complete is not an official referral – it is a request to receive additional information. SkyWishes will only call the families of approved referral sources. If you are not eligible to refer a child, please share the referral inquiry form with the family or ask them to visit our website.
What's the process?
What’s the process?
Do you know a child battling a critical illness who could benefit from a life-changing wish? There are two ways to refer a child: you can submit an online referral or share the referral inquiry form with the family. Please note: if you are not an approved referral source, the form you complete is not an official referral – it is a request to receive additional information.
Outside of the U.S.? At this moment we are currently only accepting applications within the United States boundaries.
What can a child wish for?
What can a child wish for?
The child’s imagination is always the driving force in determining, designing and coordinating a life-changing wish experience. Whether it’s a wish to see a superhero, a wish for butterflies or a their name in lights, each wish is only limited by the child’s imagination.
SkyWishes has the unique ability to transform a child and family’s life during some of their most difficult trials. A wish helps a child look past his or her limitations, it helps a family overcome anxiety and brings entire communities together in an experience of hope and joy. That is why wishes matter. That is why we grant wishes.